「人間ノリ巻き」 Human Sushi

The Artwork is able to create an experience that experienced people become a sushi.
They select some food toppings, then they're rotated by a “Itamae” chef. And then they become “Human Sushi”.
Finally they will be posted on a menu as their sushi photo. They can enjoy performances “rolling in front of people” and “becoming a food topping” by this art. It’s not make an experience but also they can be a part in my work and communicate each other of experience people by doing these actions.

体験者がノリ巻きになることが出来る体験型作品。 体験者は自分と一緒に巻かれる具材を選択し、板前姿の作者に勢いよく巻かれてノリ巻きになった後、写真撮影をしてメニュー表になり飾られる。 普段行うことのない”人前で転がること”、”食べ物になること”などを体験型パフォーマンスとして楽しむことが出来る作品となっている。また、体験するだけでなく 自分がメニュー表になり作品の一部になることで同じ巻かれた経験者同士のコミュニケーションを形成することが出来る。

The artwork can experience.

And, Its will be completed by becoming a sushi.


You select the food topping. And you are rotated by the author of the chef figure. Finally you become Human Sushi. You will be posted for your menu by your sushi photo shoot.


It's you can enjoy performance, and have to entertain people.

And "that it comes to food", "that it is rolling in front of people" is that will not do usually.


It's possible to form the experience.

It's art in the true meaning of this work.


I think that there are three types for relationship of art and human.


The first is "Viewing type". Works gives the effect of a one-way to the viewer. We are impressed by the individual in it. Example, it is paintings and sculptures.

The second is "The experience type".  Experience person will be able to participate in the work. Appearance of the work will vary by experience person enters.

The third is "The experience themselves type".

This is a work that have been established when there are people who experienced.


My work will be completed by experience person will be "Human Sushi".

So, my work is a type of third.


This work is changing by various experience person.

The type of works, there is only the number of people.


It's important that experience person Will be a work of art.

However, "Experience itself" by experience person are most important.


For my Art works.


체험자가 김밥이 될 수있는 체험 형 작품. 체험자는 자신과 함께 감긴 재료를 선택하고 요리사 모습의 저자 힘차게 감겨 김밥 된 후 사진 촬영을하고 메뉴 표가 꾸며진다. 평상시 할 수없는 "대중 구르는", "음식이 될 것"등을 체험 형 성능으로 즐길 수있는 작품이되고있다. 또한 체험 할뿐만 아니라 자신이 메뉴 표가 작품의 일부가 될 것으로 동일 감겨 진 경험자끼리의 커뮤니케이션을 형성 할 수있다.

l'œuvre d'art peut éprouver. C'est par l'expérience complète personne sushi devenir.

vous sélectionnez la nourriture en tête, et vous a été liquidée par l'auteur de la figure chef, vous êtes devenu sushi, auther sera décoré pour votre table de menu avec une séance photo.

C'est le travail que vous pouvez apprécier la performance et "qu'il s'agit de nourriture", "qu'il roule devant des gens" que cela ne fera pas habituellement.

En outre, il est possible de former l'expérience de la communication entre personnes de même être une partie de leur travail devient tableau des menus emballé ainsi que l'expérience.

exhibition link


solo exhibition in Seoul
solo exhibition in Seoul




愛知県立芸術大学 芸術祭
愛知県立芸術大学 芸術祭
愛知県立芸術大学 卒業・修了制作展
愛知県立芸術大学 卒業・修了制作展